So you want to get started in Radio Control Planes. Well here is the good news ... all you need is a good steady hand and ability to focus and a month or two down the line you could be helping others getting into the sport... Its that much fun and not so difficult as people may say. But a word of caution... Dont even think of taking your plane up in flight all by yourself without training unless you have a unbreable heart and oodles of money for each crash... which occour on the first flight itself putting off most modelers from the sport.
If you are learning to drive a car all by yourself and even if you dont have anyone around to teach you and once on the roll if u feel you can't manage to drive atleast you can switch off the car and take your foot of the accelerator pedal and the vehicle will jerk to a halt harming no one exxcept a lttle embarrasment maybe. But in aeromodeling you can't switch off or take your hands off the controls because the moment you do that your plane will crash into the ground leaving you with a big hole in your pocket and probably no help again to get started. All I wish to emphasise is that the aeromodeling is not something you can do "out of the box" . Read on to see what you need to get into it.
A Radio Control Plane can be divided in three sections
1. The plane itself or the model
2. The Engine
3. The radio control or simply the radio
These three come together to make the whole package of an aeromodel. Important Costing information
The Aeromodel : The plane is usually made of a special type of wood called BALSA which is very light and soft. Planes are also made of other materials like fiberglass, Plastic (spad) but these are usually heavier than BALSA ones hence not so popular.
The beginner starts with a plane called the trainer which is basically a model with good slow flying controlling charterstics. The trainers have their wings mounted on TOP of their fuselage which is the main body of the plane.This configuration is called High Winger. The top wing makes it easier for the plane to stabilise and usually when the plane is turned will give it a tendency to level out and stabilise because its Centre of Gravity(CG) is below and towards the middle of the wing.
The wing of the trainers is also different. The cross section of the wing called the aerofoil which is the view if you slice the wing breadth wise or look at it from the side, has a curved top and a flat bottom. This kind of design gives the plane a good slow flying trait (when i mean slow it means speeds upto 60 kmph)
The front edge of the wing is called the Leading Edge (LE) and the back edge the Trailing edge (TE). When the air moves across the wing by virtue of the plane moving forward, the air across the top has to move a little more then the air at the bottom of the wing and hence it creates a low pressure while the pressure at the bottom of the wing remain constant or relative to the top become higher pushing the wing upwards ... giving it lift andthis is basically the principle behind flight. Of course this is very basic and there are a lot of other paramaters that govern wing design, however keep this in mind and move forward.
The length of the wing wing tip to wing tip is called its SPAN , the breadth ie the distance between the LE and TE is called the CHORD. You must have seen wings that taper or don't not have the same cross section through out their span. narrowing toward the tips. The Chord in the middle of the such wings is called the ROOT CHORD while the chord at the wing tip is called Tip Chord.
For a beginner trainer the Wing Span is engine dependent but usually 40/46 sized engines in India have wingspans between 40" to 60". The length of the fuselage varies between 36" to 46 "
Planes have a stabiliser at the rear which is a small horizontal wing at the rear of the plane. The vertical fin you see is called the rudder . The stabilser has a small control surface that moves up-down called the the elevator while the vertical fin has a control surface called the rudder which moves the plane left or right. The elevator is the main part controlling the plane to move it up or down. The wings have 2 control surfaces on the TE of both sides that also control the left and right movement of the plane. To know more about Plane design read this
Now that you know something about the planes you can go in for an ARF that is ALMOST READY to FLY planes as trying to build your own plane is not advised for RC beginners coz u need something with proven flight qualities for learning.
Most trainers will cost you between Rs 2500 to Rs 4000. Don't go in for a fancy plane as there are sure to be minor or maybe even major scrapes and crashes along the learning curve. Believe me even experts crash so it s Ok for you to have them once in a while.
Engines : The Engine is your muscle and heart of your Plane. Choosing one that will last you beyond your training and next 5 years is an important decision. You must read introduction to Engines for details on how engines work.
In the Indian context we usually buy just one engine as they are quite expensive so it is important to buy an engine that will fit on something beyond your Trainer. The engine should be easy to start and give you good high end as well as equally good idling charterstics. There are a lot of good engines available abroad but I have seen most, if not all Indian RC modelers prefer OS Engines. These are reliable and last you for almost 5 -10 years if taken care of properly.
I would recomend the OS 46 FX 2 stroke engine to all as it is the right engine with almost 1.6 HP runs at around 16000 rpm for most planes with wingspans betn 40" to 56". OS 46 also has a cheaper brother the OS 46 LA which costs about Rs. 1500-2000 less but this has bush bearing instead of Ball bearings for the crankshaft of the engine and they become unreliable pretty soon.They also have plastic parts that break off and also have airleaks. Since you are buying just one buy the FX.
A word about the smaller engines like the 25 / 15 /10 sizes . Most beginners may feel that smaller the engine, more controllable the plane or maybe the lower cost may attract them to them. However I would advice you against it . Its like buying a Luna to learn riding and very quickly outgrowing it.
Ther are 4 stroke engines also however they are for veterans and quite expensive. you can move on to them later.
Radio : The nerve centre and brain of your Plane. The radio basically consists of the following
1. Transmitter
2. Receiver
3. Servos
4. Batteries
5. Chargers
The radio basically is the Transmitter TX which houses the controls of the planes. Most Planes require 4 channels ie 4 parameters to be controlled to fly. The controls are
1. Throttle control of the Engine
2. Elevator of the Plane
3. Aerilions on the wings
4. Rudder
There are more parameters like Flaps, wheel retracts that can also be controlled on advanced planes but most for frills and you can do without.
Also important is to not get stuck with a 2-3 channel radio sometimes attractive to beginners due to their lower cost or lack of information.
The radio will last you your entire RC hobby and can be used in your next plane. Stick to a good brand like Futaba, Airtronics.
The radio also has a receiver which is housed in the plane and controls the servo motors that move your control surfaces on the plane. This RX is matched with your TX and will not work on another TX unless they work on the same frequency.
The radio ultimately control the servos which are precision motors that move through just about 90 degress unlike other motors that rotate. Varing the Tx one controls which servo to move and by how much. Your servos are matched on your Rx and may or maynot work with other RX.
The radio are basically powered by chargable cells . The TX has its own battery while the Rx has a smaller one. Both of these should be chargable of Ni-Cad or better technology. Be adviced against going in for Dry Cell radios these will cost you less but you will pay every time you want to fly and if unfortunately your half used dry cell finishes in flight you will certainly lose your Plane.
Futaba radios are quite reliable and used by most Indian modelers.
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Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
F-16 Fighting Falcon
The F-16 Fighting Falcon is a compact, multirole fighter aircraft. It is highly maneuverable and has proven itself in air-to-air combat and air-to-surface attack. It provides a relatively low-cost, high-performance weapon system for the United States and allied nations. In an air combat role, the F-16's maneuverability and combat radius (distance it can fly to enter air combat, stay, fight and return) exceed that of all potential threat fighter aircraft. It can locate targets in all weather conditions and detect low flying aircraft in radar ground clutter. In an air-to-surface role, the F-16 can fly more than 500 miles (860 kilometers), deliver its weapons with superior accuracy, defend itself against enemy aircraft, and return to its starting point. An all-weather capability allows it to accurately deliver ordnance during non-visual bombing conditions. F-16 pilots may suffer Gravity-induced loss of consciousness (GLOC) when conducting high-speed turns.
When flyers are in a high-G, combat environment, aircraft acceleration presents the biggest demand on their bodies. The F-16 is a high technology aircraft that requires pilot physical conditioning to perform up to nine G maneuvers. Sharp turns can induce loss of consciousness when gravity pulls blood toward the lower extremities, carrying oxygen away from the brain. After about 5 seconds of pressure, vision is progressively lost from peripheral vision to central vision. When blood flow is allowed to resume, vision is smoothly and rapidly recovered. Cerebral failure and recovery is much less graceful and predictable (Houghton, McBride, & Hannah, 1985). After about 5 seconds of blood flow stoppage to the brain, GLOC occurs suddenly and lasts from 10 to 30 seconds (average about 13 seconds). When consciousness is regained, it is usually accompanied by brief seizure-like activity and a period of confusion,which lasts about 12 seconds.
During this 12 seconds, the aviator is unable to function effectively. An additional period of up to 2 minutes is required before cognitive and psychomotor performance ability recovers to normal. GLOC is a real threat to F-16 pilots. Over the lifetime of the F-16, by 2007 the US Air Force had lost 12 pilots and 16 aircraft to GLOC. GLOC is not a new problem, it has been around for every 70 years. Because of the emergence of high performance aircraft such as the F-16 and the fact that these aircraft can perform beyond the acceleration tolerance limits of the human, GLOC became the U.S. Tactical Air Force's second most serious human factors problem, second only to spatial disorientation. The F-16 was built under an unusual agreement creating a consortium between the United States and four NATO countries: Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands and Norway. These countries jointly produced with the United States an initial 348 F-16s for their air forces. Final airframe assembly lines were located in Belgium and the Netherlands. The consortium's F-16s are assembled from components manufactured in all five countries.
Belgium also provides final assembly of the F100 engine used in the European F-16s. The long-term benefits of this program was technology transfer among the nations producing the F-16, and a common-use aircraft for NATO nations. This program increases the supply and availability of repair parts in Europe and improves the F-16's combat readiness. USAF F-16 multi-mission fighters were deployed to the Persian Gulf in 1991 in support of Operation Desert Storm, where more sorties were flown than with any other aircraft. These fighters were used to attack airfields, military production facilities, Scud missiles sites and a variety of other targets. Originally conceived as a simple air-superiority day fighter, the aircraft was armed for that mission with a single six-barrel Vulcan 20-mm cannon and two Sidewinder missiles, one mounted at each wingtip.
Over the years, however, the mission capability of the aircraft has been extended to include ground-attack and all-weather operations With full internal fuel, the aircraft can carry up to 12 000 pounds of external stores including various types of ordnance as well as fuel tanks. The original F-16 was designed as a lightweight air-to-air day fighter. Air-to-ground responsibilities transformed the first production F-16s into multirole fighters. The empty weight of the Block 10 F-16A is 15,600 pounds. The empty weight of the Block 50 is 19,200 pounds.
The A in F-16A refers to a Block 1 through 20 single-seat aircraft. The B in F-16B refers to the two-seat version. The letters C and D were substituted for A and B, respectively, beginning with Block 25. Block is an important term in tracing the F-16's evolution. Basically, a block is a numerical milestone.The block number increases whenever a new production configuration for the F-16 is established. Not all F-16s within a given block are the same. They fall into a number of block subsets called miniblocks. These sub-block sets are denoted by capital letters following the block number (Block 15S, for example). From Block 30/32 on, a major block designation ending in 0 signifies a General Electric engine; one ending in 2 signifies a Pratt & Whitney engine. The US Air Force took delivery of its last F-16 Fighting Falcon on March 18, 2005, the last of 2,231 F-16s produced for the Air Force. The first delivery was in 1978. In 2004 ACC solicited Boeing and Lockheed Martin for pricing information proposals to purchase additional F-15 and F-16 aircraft.
The request was for as many as two fighter wings or 140 aircraft. This request by ACC was discovered by senior program and acquisition mangers — F-16s and F-15s in service will reach the end of their service life before replacement aircraft are fielded.14 The motivation to purchase more aircraft may have been risk aversion for any additional delays in the F-22 or predicted developmental delays of the F-35. Some argue that the Air Force could purchase the F-16C block 50 and keep the F-16 production lines open. The need to compete for dollars in a fiscally constrained environment would cease, since there would be a logical sequence of purchasing enhanced F-16s as the Navy did with the F/A-18E/F. This F-16 purchase could serve as an insurance policy with aircraft delivered from 2005 to 2010. The result, should Congress delay or cancel the F-35 (as in the case of the F-22, C-17, and others), would be a manned fighter stopgap until the F-35 [or UCAV] is in full production.
RI bangun SMK Penerbangan 2009
Depdiknas dan TNI Angkatan Darat (AD) akan membangun SMK Plus Penerbangan agar alumni SMK Penerbangan dapat meneruskan pendidikannya serta untuk memenuhi tingginya kebutuhan, terhadap tenaga kerja pilot dan teknisi pesawat. Hal itu dikemukakan oleh Joko Sutrisno, Direktur Pendidikan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) Depdiknas. Menurut dia, pendirian SMK Plus Penerbagan itu adalah untuk mengatasi krisis pilot dan teknisi pesawat, sehingga diharapkan pada pertengahan tahun ini sudah bisa dirintis pendirian sekolah itu. "Teknis dari SMK plus Penerbangan ini terbagi menjadi dua tahap pendidikan. Pertama, selama tiga tahun siswa belajar di SMK, dan satu tahun untuk sekolah khusus penerbang," lanjutnya.
Dia mengatakan hingga saat ini Indonesia baru memiliki dua SMK Penerbangan Negeri, yakni SMKN 29 Jakarta dan SMKN di Bandung. Selain itu, masih ada tiga SMK Penerbangan lainnya yang terletak di Tangerang, Samarinda dan Papua yang baru mulai beroperasi tahun ini. "SMK yang baru di Tangerang dan Samarinda baru menerima siswa kelas satu, sementara yang di Papua masih dalam taraf penyelesaian tapi pada 2009 sudah menerima murid," tambahnya. Dia mengatakan selain itu Indonesia memiliki 24 SMK Penerbangan swasta dan beberapa SMK Penerbangan milik TNI, seperti SMK Penerbangan di Semarang (milik TNI AD), di Bogor (milik AURI), di Yogyakarta, Madiun dan Kalijati. Joko mengatakan prospek pendidikan penerbangan sekarang ini sangat bagus, karena perusahaan penerbangan sudah mulai melirik dan menggunakan lulusan SMK Penerbangan. Oleh karena itu, lanjutnya, Depdiknas dan TNI AD diharapkan pada tahun ini bisa merealisasikan sekolah tinggi penerbangan. Indonesia, ujarnya, saat ini tengah mengalami krisis tenaga kerja bidang penerbangan yakni pilot dan teknisi pesawat.
Dari 6.000 kebutuhan pilot dan 10.000 teknisi pesawat, baru 1.000 pilot yang bisa dipasok oleh Sekolah Tinggi Penerbangan. "Seiring meningkatnya bisnis penerbangan dalam negeri, kebutuhan akan pilot dan teknisi pesawat makin meningkat. Padahal, lembaga pendidikan yang ada belum bisa menyediakan tenaga-tenaga tersebut," ujarnya. Selama ini, lanjut Joko, pasokan tenaga kerja pilot berasal dari Lembaga Pendidikan Penerbangan Curug yang lulusannya setingkat D-4. Lembaga pendidikan tersebut hanya mampu menyediakan 30 lulusan yang siap menjadi penerbang. Sedangkan untuk teknisi pesawat dihasilkan dari SMK Penerbangan, baik negeri maupun swasta. SMK Penerbangan Singosari di Malang yang dikelola oleh yayasan istri TNI Angkatan Udara, misalnya, telah banyak mencetak penerbang dan mekanik yang bekerja di perusahaan penerbangan seperti Lion Air, Batavia Air dan Garuda Indonesia. Berdasarkan data Dephub 2007, jumlah pesawat yang dimiliki Indonesia sebanyak 923 unit. Jumlah tersebut terdiri atas 542 pesawat yang dapat beroperasi, 235 yang expired dan 146 unit yang on ground. (r1f/bs/info)
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